Don’t Forget To Look exists to deliver value to both Agency and Brand clients.
We provide marketing and sales effectiveness consultancy + coaching: we help agencies increase their capability + confidence in all things relating to their profitability and deal-making success.
We provide a progressive take on Marketing Procurement solutions, focused not on driving down price, but on creating flexible, outcome-orientated, win-win deals between client and agency.
Work-Life balance for me, and for Agencies
Following on from the DFTL origin story I wanted to talk about something I hear all the time that friends,…
The Origin Story of DFTL
Origin story to kick off 2025 Mission: help agency leaders sleep better at night. Buy why? 5 years ago I…
Podcast with client agency ‘Candyspace’ – Procurement & Agencies being Allies
In August Stuart spoke to Candyspace MD Matt Simpson about how can Agencies and Marketing Procurement can be allies. In…
Stuart appears on the Blair Enns Marketing Procurement Podcast, June 1 ’23
Aligning the Incentives w/ Stuart Dunk - The Marketing Procurement Podcast ( I recently had the pleasure of joining Blair…
Video / podcast: What the best marketing procurement pros do
Daniel Barnes of The World of Procurement and I, sat down for 20 minutes and had a natter about what makes…
‘Value’ in Marketing Procurement
Generating value Firstly, what is 'value?' That needs to be established and not assumed, by marketing procurement. Your procurement leadership…
New Brand Identity coming soon!
Don't Forget to Look is almost 3 years old now and we feel like it's time for a refresh! The…
Why are we still talking about rate cards & not value?
A marketing procurement consultant’s perspective There’s more and more evidence now that agencies and brands know that the value of…
Agency Profitability Series Launches Mid-September!
In partnership with the Alliance of Independent Agencies – we are delivering an on-demand content series, covering a range of…